Production Critical Services

Innovative "cold work" repairs with no or minimal down time

Market leading global technologies delivered locally

The ICR.IAS Joint Venture is a leader in the provision of rapid response onsite repairs to production critical pipework, pipelines, vessels and tanks.

Our composite repair system, TechnowrapTM, is the global leader in production critical life extension. TechnowrapTM materials are non-corrosive and provide long-life repairs that can be applied on internal, external and through-wall defects on all types of geometries. We guarantee quick turn around engineering and our highly trained and experienced applicators ensure safe, fast, quality repairs. TechnowrapTM can be used for a wide range of emergent scopes in a variety of temperatures and pressures.

Our innovative piping and flange repair system, QuickflangeTM, allows for "cold work" pipe modification with a vast range of size and pressure ratings for most applications. QuickflangeTM is a permanent solution for ensuring pipeline integrity and flow assurance.

For more information please visit the Joint Venture website 


iasgroup is a partner in the ICR.IAS JV, providing leading production critical cold work solutions that remove or minimise the need for shutdowns. The JV is home to market leading technologies TechnowrapTM and QuickflangeTM